
#isoj 2013 - The 'Original Platform': How Newsrooms Build Digital Loyalty and Generate Revenue Through Face-to-Face Engagement

Thanks for your interest in my presentation at the International Symposium on Online Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. This presentation and paper are part of a book I'm writing about how audience engagement is changing the profession of journalism. The project is based on more than 100 interviews conducted at nearly two dozen newsrooms across the United States during the summer and fall of 2012. If this project interests you, please leave a comment below and/or contact me privately via the information listed on the final slide below.


Carol zuegner said...

Jake, can't wait to read the paper and your book. I too am very interesting in this whole idea of events/sponsors and different ways of building community. I am looking particularly at entrepreneurial tech news blogs/sites like the local (to Omaha) Silicon Prairie News.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Carol! I'll have to check out Silicon Valley News. And if you'd like a copy of the paper, just email me. :)

Unknown said...

Make that Silicon Prairie News.

David Wenger said...

I missed your presentation at UT Austin, but a colleague shared your slides. Our school publishes Texas Enterprise, a digital publication, and very quickly we figured out we had to add a direct one-on-one engagement path, the Texas Enterprise Speaker Series, which has been very fruitful in making our publication "real" to our audience. I credit Matt Genovese, founder of Door64 for making it clear to us that online engagement best happens AFTER people feel connected to each other. Keep McCombs School of Business posted on your study!

Jake Batsell said...

David, thanks very much for sharing this -- I look forward to staying in touch!

Amelia said...

This is cool!